Caring Safely Programs

Participant Feedback
Caring Safely® member feedback

“The structure of it was wonderful. The clear explanation of the concepts of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction that then lead into a vast array of strategies. I found that I was able to easily connect the practice with the theory of it and personalise it to my own experiences. The group has also been excellent.” 

Caring Safely® member feedback

"I loved all the modules and worksheets, in particular I really appreciate having the supportive (...) group to share with others about how we are applying the things we are learning.

I highly recommend this course- I will be using the tools for years to come, as I truly feel I can stay in the field much longer using what I have learned!"

Caring Safely® member feedback

“Hearing from others in the group has shown me that I’m not alone and has given me the courage and a new perspective. Seeing the research, it put into words for me as to why I am staying in social work and why I chose this helping profession."” 

 Caring Safely® member feedback

"We hear about 'burnout' and 'compassion fatigue' all the time. In one ear, out the other, beautiful worksheets get put into a pile as we go back to our normal, even if toxic, routine. Caring Safely goes beyond what is easy to gloss over. It’s real, direct, and highly beneficial." 

 Caring Safely® member feedback

"Take it! Now! Don’t wait! It will change your life! I’m so glad I did. The tools I learned (...) to apply to my compassion fatigue and personal needs were so incredibly valuable!

This program is helping me find happiness in my life, satisfaction in my work, and it is helping me be a better helping professional."

Caring Safely® member feedback

"We need to talk about these issues often [and] look at ways to embed this work into the culture. I want to add this information to our onboarding process."

Caring Safely® member feedback

"The inventory helped me see where my department could make some changes to help staff. It was incredibly helpful to talk with other managers about the issues that come up when addressing these topics with staff. I don’t get this anywhere else."

Caring Safely® member feedback

"The Caring Safely course has been such a tremendous help in terms of how I can change my mindset, the responsibility pie and what is within my control and what is not within my control has given me the courage to persevere(...)"

Caring Safely® member feedback

"In just the first few weeks I started noticing that I was able to let the little stressful situations at work roll off, and I noticed myself slowing down and paying more attention to my internal experience while at work.This helped me to be more attuned to myself and also to the needs of my clients."

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